It seems that Vacation Bible School has been the best place for me to observe a group of students who range in approximately the same ages this summer. Again, I went to a church to observe VBS on the same theme - God's Amazing Wonders. I think I know the songs by heart now.
I was at the commencement program at my little hometown country church Sunday night. I observed a small group of children in the 4th and 5th grades. This time there was a mix of boys and girls. Two of the little guys are best friends and neighbors and three of the girls are also friends and neighbors. They all knew each other well, and were not afraid to have fun singing and dancing with the music. The two topic I want to explore tonight include the chapter on nutrition and the chapter on religion.
First, everything in the Brighton book is completely accurate, when it comes to children making poor food choices. When given pizza vs. a sandwich on wheat bread,the students chose pizza every time. I noticed this after commencement when we all went to the fellowship hall for refreshments. The entire table was filled with junk food. Church folks mean well and were very kind to provide refreshments, but this was the kids' diet all week long. They were serve chips, brownies, cookies, rice krispy treats, and sugar-packed Kool Aid. I understand this was supposed to be a fun environment for the kids, but we didn't do well in modeling healthy eating habits with all the junk food we (adult helper) brought to the table for the children to eat. If this were just one isolated week out of the summer when students were given the freedom to chow down on all the delicious goodies, it would be one thing. But I'm pretty sure some kids see cookies and chips on their plate every day this summer. After all, what mom wants to work all day and come inside the house to COOK, when there's lots of fun things to do outside in the sun-shiney weather. I'm probably not alone when I say a lot of families eat more junk in the summertime. Think about all the ice cream we consume in a summertime. It's cold, refreshing, and yummy! But is it healthy? No way. Adults should be better role models for children in their pre-teen years so they can develop healthy habits, but we're all to often overweight ourselves. (me included, so look who's talking!)
The other aspect from the Brighton book that I wanted to discuss is the impact religion has made on these children's lives. I can't believe I've been to three Bible schools, and this is the first time I've written on the topic of moral development. I know every one of the kids who attended this particular VBS have supportive families who view religion as a necessary and essential part of their families' lives. All of these children displayed manners as they sat down to eat refreshments, and they basically are all good kids. I'm not sure any of them have reached the stage in development where they have started questioning their parents' motives for going to church. Adults can have a tremendous impact on their children, but there will come a day when they aren't going to want to hear your opinion. They will be developing their own opinions.
I hope all those VBS'ers have a great July and enjoy the rest of their time off this summer. Perhaps I will see some of them around a campus this fall. I sure am hoping for good news soon.
Tammy I agree, when the weather is nice, we tend to be a little more forgiving. We all want to enjoy the day and we often neglect eating healthy for a quick fix. Ice cream and lemonade are two of my summertime guilty pleasures. Although it is important to not go overboard, an occasional sweet treat is an awesome reward. Sometimes parents/adults just want to have fun in the sun too!